Elen Turner

Elen Turner wearing a black shirt and multicolored vest

Dr. Elen Turner (she/her) is a copyeditor at Ideas on Fire, where she brings her interdisciplinary scholarly training to bear helping scholars create work that can affect change within and beyond the academy.

Elen is a former in-house editor at Kathmandu-based Himal Southasian magazine, where her editing focused on contemporary and historical South Asian politics and culture and where she also studied Nepali and Hindi.

She has also been the managing editor of a Kathmandu-based travel magazine, and she has copyedited academic scholarship, business materials, novels, memoirs, and online publications and websites since 2013. Elen has written widely about culture, arts, and travel in Nepal and elsewhere.

She earned her PhD in interdisciplinary humanities from the Australian National University, Canberra, where her research focused on the contemporary feminist publishing industry in India. Elen’s scholarship on gender and literature in postcolonial India and broader South Asia has appeared in Contemporary South Asia, Comparative Literature and Culture, Intersections, Rupkatha, and elsewhere. She taught courses at the Australian National University on gender studies, postcolonial literature, Victorian literature, and modernist literature.

Elen lives in the small city of Nelson, on New Zealand’s South Island, with her Nepali partner and young daughter.

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