ACES Society for Editing VCon Conference 2024

September 25–27, 2024 | online

Ideas on Fire is a proud sponsor of ACES VCon

Come on by our booth in the Whova app to say hi and meet our founder Dr. Cathy Hannabach

Welcome to the Ideas on Fire guide for the 2024 ACES Society for Editing VCon conference!

In this guide, we’ve curated a bunch of resources to help you get the most out of your conference experience.

ACES VCon is a 100% virtual event that draws together developmental editors, copyeditors, proofreaders, project managers, managing editors, freelancers, in-house staff, publishers, and writers for learning and connecting.

Wherever you are in your editing journey, the conference’s session tracks offer inspiration and skills you can put to use right away.

The virtual meetups offer attendees the opportunity to network with fellow #Edibuddies in your time zone and meet the folks you’ve been following on social media.

If you can’t attend synchronously, check out our tips on conference participation when you can’t attend, and join the conversations at the conference hashtag #ACESVCon24.

You can also follow us on Instagram, Bluesky, Mastodon, and Threads, where we’ll be posting resources throughout the conference.

ACES Society for Editing logo with white and red font on a dark grey background

Academic editing courses

Intro to professional academic editing

Our flagship course built for those pursuing a freelance academic editing career in the humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplines.

Writing a Great Editorial Letter or Report

Our newest course built for academic developmental editors helping them deliver holistic and actionable revision recommendations to scholarly authors.

Getting the most out of ACES VCon


Research speakers and sessions beforehand

Review the conference schedule and session descriptions to find ones relevant to your interests and career goals. Don’t be afraid to check out new topics too—you never know when you’ll learn something awesome.


Don’t feel pressured to do everything

Being judicious with your time is crucial. It is totally acceptable to pop in and out of sessions as needed throughout the day. This targeted approach ensures you make the most of your time. You can always watch the recordings afterward.


Active participation makes for a better experience

Asking questions and commenting in the chat enhances your conference experience and lets speakers know what is resonating. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself to sponsors, fellow attendees, and speakers during breaks—these interactions can lead to meaningful connections and collaborations.

Explore meetups and hands-on events

Take advantage of meetups, sponsor demos, and hands-on sessions. These practical experiences often provide deep insights, and the unstructured nature of meetups and discussions allow for greater connections.

Connect with sponsors for career enhancement 

Visit the sponsor booths to learn about job opportunities, explore editing resources, and grab some free swag and discounts. This is also a great opportunity to introduce yourself and build connections with industry leaders.

Schedule time for reflection and integration

Take time after the event to reflect on what you’ve learned and how you can apply it to your work. Create an action plan to implement new strategies and ideas, and make sure to follow up with the folks you connected with during the event.

Editing with critical generosity

In our editorial practice, we must take responsibility for the role of editors and indexers in shaping not only the futures of publishing but also the broader political and social worlds that publishing enables.

Learn more about Dr. Cathy Hannabach’s editing framework of critical generosity and how it forms the core of the unique Ideas on Fire approach to scholarly editing.

Editing and publishing resources

Grow in your editing career with our resources for working with authors and publishers.

More editing resources

Creating a Social Justice-Focused Academic Journal Style Guide - Stack of journals against a blue wall

Creating a Social Justice-Focused Journal Style Guide

How to design an academic journal style guide that embodies a social justice politics, ethics, and vision.

Smart budgeting for editing and indexing - Jar with coins and a label that says "budget"

Helping Authors Budget for Editing and Indexing

How interdisciplinary scholars can best budget for editing and indexing on their books and journal articles.

When to Hire an Academic Editor and Indexer - Monthly calendar and sticky tabs on a pink background

When Authors Should Bring in Academic Editors and Indexers

A guide for authors on when to hire academic editors and indexers during their publishing journey.

How to Put Your Interdisciplinary Training to Work in an Editing Career - Yellow arrow on wood

Transitioning from Scholar to Academic Editor

Interdisciplinary scholars often make fantastic academic editors. Here’s how you can get started building your editing career.

Conference resources

Make the most of your conference experience with our resources for presenting, networking, and participating.

Conference presentation tips - Presenter gestures at their slides in front of an audience

Conference Presentation Tips

Keep these conference presentation tips in mind to share your work with the clarity and confidence you need to connect to your audience.

Managing conference presentation stage fright - silver microphone on a coral background

Managing Conference Presentation Stage Fright

Conference presentation stage fright is very common. Here are some techniques to help you manage your nerves and deliver a great presentation.

Last Checks to Do Before Submitting Your Book Proposal - check boxes on a blue background

Before and After Conference Checklists

Conference checklists are a great way to make sure you are prepared for a conference, get the most out of it while there, and remember to follow up.

Conference participation when you can't attend - Person on a laptop with headphones

Conference Participation When You Can't Attend

Meaningful conference participation from afar is absolutely possible. Here’s how to stay engaged even if you can’t attend.

Level up your editing career

Join our acclaimed powerhouse team of editors and indexers shaping the future of scholarly publishing

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