Cathy Hannabach interviews media studies scholar Meredith D. Clark about planning during the pandemic and tools to support mental health.

Posts by Cathy Hannabach
Planning for Change and Uncertainty
Planning in ways that embrace rather deny change is crucial these days. Here’s how to create plans flexible enough to meet whatever comes next.
Chris Barcelos on Beginning from Educated Hope
Cathy Hannabach interviews public health scholar Chris Barcelos about reproductive justice, access intimacy, and educated hope.
Writing Commitments versus Writing Goals/Plans
How writing commitments (instead of writing plans or goals) can help you write amidst uncertainty and change.
Beginning without a Road Map
Why beginning comes before planning and what it means to begin things amidst uncertainty, change, and anxiety.
Siobhan Brooks on Reckoning with Violence
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Siobhan Brooks about what it means to reckon with violent histories without losing hope for the future.
Reflecting on Quite a Year
Tips for reflecting on your journey over the last 12 months and setting the stage for a supportive 2021 and beyond.
Reflection and Compassion to Close Out the Year
Year-end reflection and assessment mean something quite different this year. Here’s our guide on looking back and looking ahead.
Bakirathi Mani on Curating with Confidence
Cathy Hannabach interviews Bakirathi Mani about postcolonial art curation and building representations no longer haunted by empire.