Exciting new books by Ideas on Fire authors about the racial politics of adoption, trans activism, hip-hop pedagogy, and more.

Exciting new books by Ideas on Fire authors about the racial politics of adoption, trans activism, hip-hop pedagogy, and more.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Erin McElroy about the global reach of technocapitalism in the postsocialist era.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews media scholar Juan Llamas-Rodriguez about how representation of the US–Mexico border shapes public policy
Cathy Hannabach interviews Katie Walkiewicz about the role of states’ rights in US settler colonialism, enslavement, and dispossession.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Jennifer Lynn Kelly about the temporality of ethnographic research and letting our writing projects change over time.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Anima Adjepong about intuition in the research process, intellectual promiscuity, and their book Afropolitan Projects.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Christopher Ali about the politics of of rural broadband access and connectivity.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews feminist geographer Sasha Engelmann about the transnational politics of air and activist-artistic collaboration.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews professor and scuba diver Melody Jue about how she uses scuba diving for humanities research and climate justice.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Aimee Bahng about speculative fiction, queer of color feminist futures, and challenging US colonialism.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Craig Santos Perez about Indigenous Chamoru poetry as a social justice practice and communal storytelling.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Eric Tang about activist scholarship and the history of Cold War Cambodian refugee resettlement.