Our guide to the 2025 Modern Language Association conference, which includes an exclusive publishing consultation offer and conference tips.

Our guide to the 2025 Modern Language Association conference, which includes an exclusive publishing consultation offer and conference tips.
Awesome new books by Ideas on Fire authors about queer crip California history, resisting anti-Asian violence, Disney theme parks, and more.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Cynthia Franklin about movement politics, life writing, and radical solidarity beyond the human.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Katie Walkiewicz about the role of states’ rights in US settler colonialism, enslavement, and dispossession.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Mecca Jamilah Sullivan about centering queer Black feminist joy in literature and life.
Cathy Hannabach interviews Badia Ahad-Legardy about Black historical joy and cultivating intellectual and political inspiration in our daily practices.
Cathy Hannabach interviews cultural critic and professor Koritha Mitchell about the history of Black women’s citizenship and achievement.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews interdisciplinary feminist scholar Zakiyyah Iman Jackson about the role of blackness in histories of the human.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Elizabeth Wayne and Christine “Xine” Yao about creating the PhDivas podcast and labor activism in academia.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews podcaster and journalist Amy Lam about feminist podcasting and the politics of leisure travel by women of color.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews Kiki Petrosino about writing from and with the body, place-specific pedagogy, and history’s ghosts.
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews librarian Fobazi Ettarh about radical librarianship, vocational awe, and solidarity in libraries and academia.