Imagine Otherwise

A podcast about bridging art, activism, and academia to build more just futures

On each episode, host Cathy Hannabach interviews the scholars, dancers, authors, artists, and filmmakers imagining collective freedom and creating it through culture.

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Natalie Zervou wearing a blue blazer and glasses, text reads: Natalie Zervou on dance in the age of austerity, with the Imagine Otherwise logo
Amber Rose González, Felicia ‘Fe’ Montes, and Nadia Zepeda with the Imagine Otherwise logo
Erin McElroy wearing a maroon flowered shirt in front of trees, text reads: Erin McElroy on Silicon Valley imperialism
Juan Llamas-Rodriguez wearing a gray sweater, text reads: Juan Llamas-Rodriguez on the visual politics of border tunnels, with the Ideas on Fire logo

Great for teaching

Join the hundreds of professors who have assigned Imagine Otherwise episodes in their classes!

Each episode has a full transcript and teaching guide filled with books and interviews by Ideas on Fire authors that complement the episode and resources to help students and researchers explore the vibrant worlds of progressive, interdisciplinary scholarship.

Below you can browse episodes by topic to find the right one for your next syllabus.

Jennifer Lynn Kelly next to her book Invited to Witness
Christopher Ali next to his book Farm Fresh Broadband
Badia Ahad-Legardy next to her book Afro-Nostalgia
Joseph Nguyen next to his book The Digital Is Kid Stuff

Queer and trans liberation

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Mairead Sullivan in front of trees, text reads Mairead Sullivan on Lesbian Feminist World-building
Siobhan Brooks wearing a plaid blazer, text reads Siobhan Brooks on Reckoning with Anti-LGBTQ Violence
Sasha Costanza Chock sitting in a photography studio, text reads Sasha Costanza-Chock on Trans and Queer Design Justice
Erin Durban wearing a blue shirt, text reads Erin Durban on the Sexual Politics of Empire

Racial justice

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Jasmine Nichole Cobb wearing a black shirt, text reads Jasmine Nichole Cobb on Haptic Blackness
Josen Masangkay Diaz in front of trees, text reads Josen Masangkay Diaz on Postcolonial Configurations
Mark Villegas wearing a plaid cap, text reads Mark Villegas on Collaborative Abundance in Hip-Hop Cultures
Dorinne Kondo wearing a black shirt, text reads: Dorinne kondo on reparative creativity, episode 114

Indigenous worldmaking

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Katie Walkiewicz in front of a white garden lattice, text reads Katie Walkiewicz on Indigenous and Black Freedom
Jessica Bissett Perea in front of green foliage, text reads Jessica Bissett Perea on Indigenous Academic Publishing
Maile Arvin in front of trees, text reads Maile Arvin on Kuleana and Indigenous Feminisms
Hiʻilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart holding a cat, text reads Hiʻilei Julia Kawehipuaakahaopulani Hobart on Transgenerational Inspiration

Intersectional feminisms

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Jillian Hernandez in front of trees, text reads Jillian Hernandez on the Politics of Confidence and Creativity
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan in front of a yellow wall, text reads Mecca Jamilah Sullivan on Queer Black Feminist Art
Kristie Soares wearing a denim shirt in front of trees. Text reads: Kristie Soares on joy in Latinx media, episode 154 of Imagine Otherwise
Catherine Knight Steele wearing a black shirt, text reads Catherine Knight Steele on Black Feminist Extensions of Grace

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