Reviewing Your Priorities after a Tumultuous Year

by | Dec 2, 2020

It’s been a long year. The pandemic has reshaped our lives in dramatic ways. Have you taken the time to check in with yourself? If not, grab a pen or open a new text document and check out our key questions to ask yourself as you assess how 2020 went for you and what you need in 2021.

What went well this year, despite everything? 

What do you want to continue doing next year? It’s important to celebrate the good things, no matter how small.

What could have gone better?

What is important to you right now—professionally and personally?

What goals do you have for next year?

How can you better support your students or mentees? Conversely, what kinds of support do you need from your mentors or bosses?

Are there things that you no longer want to be involved in? How can you reclaim some of your time from them?

This check-in doesn’t have to happen all at once. Our priorities are often in flux, which is normal. The year’s end is a great time to review priorities. You can’t do everything, but you can start with this one thing.

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Christopher Persaud is a writer and scholar whose work focuses on online communities, video games and gaming culture, and queer media and cultural production.

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